Beyond Despair

Serena Williams has been one of the most successful professional tennis champions during the past couple of decades. However, she found all her achievements in sports weren’t enough to keep depression away. During the 2011 season, she admitted to battling depression since winning Wimbledon. She fell into despair following injuries and health problems. “I cried all the time. I was miserable to be around,” she said in an interview with The Telegraph.

An NCAA survey of athletes found that 30 percent reported feeling depressed over a year. Research from the Northern Ireland Association of Mental Health suggests competitive failure and other factors lead to psychological despair.

Mark 5 – For God’s Glory and our Good

While Mark 5 continues with more miracles. Probably none of them is a more powerful illustration of Jesus’ power to heal and restore than when He raises Jairus’s daughter from the dead. This was the ultimate display of His power as the Son of God. It’s hard to imagine the grief and despair Jairus felt about his daughter, who died, but the lesson here is clear. God loves you, regardless of your circumstances. God ultimately intends good for us even when things seem hopeless (Romans 8:26-39).

The Kingdom Coach and Athlete recognize their own powerlessness. They trust in God’s sovereign sufficiency to meet their deepest needs. Their focus is on Jesus, who turns desperation into joy!

Journaling helps you understand and respond to the Bible. As you journal, use the acronym HEAR to Highlight, Explain, Apply, and Respond to what you have read in the reading plan.

Bible Memory Verse –“There is nothing outside the man which can defile him if it goes into him, but the things which proceed of the man are what defile the man.” Mark 7:15 LSB

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