Choosing the Right Path
Bryce Drew led Grand Canyon University to its first NCAA Tournament appearance in 2021. Drew’s year away from coaching was just what he needed after being let go by Vanderbilt — time spent with family and reflecting on his life. Drew said, “I wanted to get a job right away. I was competitive and wanted to start winning. I had some really good Godly counsel tell me, ‘You should probably just take the year off. You worked so hard these last few years. Really reflect a lot.’” Drew was named the head coach of GCU on March 17, 2020. “After seeing it (GCU), my wife was ecstatic. I was ecstatic. She was like, ‘Here’s part of the reason why we know what we’ve gone through this last year [was] to be able to get to this point.’” Most important to Drew’s decision was knowing God was in control. He said, “I think God’s really shown me His presence and just how He’s in control no matter if it’s a good circumstance or a bad circumstance. As I get through it, I see how God was working throughout the whole process.”
Deuteronomy 30-31 – Choose Life
Moses challenged the people to choose life in Deuteronomy 30-31. There were two paths to choose from. They could decide for themselves the path of life and blessing or the path of selfishness that leads to death. With that final reminder, he turned the leadership over to Joshua. Like the Israelites, we are called to choose the path of life.
Often, in Scripture, judgment is followed by the voice of hope. If God’s people turn from their sins and return with all their hearts to God and God’s commandments and obey them, they will enjoy life. Because we’re created in God’s image, we have minds to think with, hearts to feel with, and wills to decide with, and God calls us to make the right decisions.
The Kingdom Coach and Athlete exercise simple faith in Jesus. Righteousness isn’t gained by doing incredible feats, it is only by exercising faith in Jesus Christ the Lord (Romans 10:6-10).
Bible Memory Verse – “The secret things belong to Yahweh our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may do all the words of this law. Deuteronomy 29:29 (LSB)
A 5-day per week or 410-day Bible reading plan, journal, and scripture memory plan through the Old and New Testament.