Dealing With Conflict
Conflict will impact the culture of every team. Handled correctly, a skillful leader can turn a negative situation into a positive outcome. The legendary basketball coach John Wooden offers great wisdom on this issue.
In his book Wooden on Leadership, he writes, “As a leader, you must be sincerely committed to what’s right rather than who’s right. The best leaders are more interested in finding what’s right than always being right. They understand how much more can be accomplished if no one cares who gets credit. The interpersonal characteristics of Friendship (camaraderie and respect), Loyalty, and Cooperation create the sincere and solid bond necessary between you and those you lead.”
Titus 1 – Above Reproach
Every team and church has its troublemakers. Titus is another letter Paul wrote to leaders to help equip and encourage them after he had left Crete. Titus’ job was to bring structure and leadership to the island of Crete. Resolving conflict and correcting rebellious followers is critical to stop their influence from increasing.
Titus 1 identifies a large group of “rebellious men” who use their “empty talk” and deception to disrupt and challenge leadership. The conduct of the church should radically differ from those of the world. Titus appoints church leaders who are mature in their faith and challenges them to be Christian leaders who lead. Paul makes it clear that church leaders live as examples for others (Titus 1:6).
The Kingdom Coach and Athlete lead others by living “above reproach” (Titus 1:6). Their leadership cannot be accused of living inconsistently with their faith commitments. They are most concerned with their testimony of the gospel being compromised by their behavior.
Bible Memory Verse – “To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their mind and their conscience are defiled.” Titus 1:15 (LSB)
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