Final Character Test

Joe Montana exhibited the character qualities necessary to lead great football teams. He not only shared credit, but he also accepted blame. When Montana received a bad snap from the center, he’d tell the coach it was his own fault, even if it meant getting chewed out. “When you’re a leader, you’ve got to be willing to take the blame,” he said. “People appreciate when you’re not pointing fingers at them because that just adds to their pressure. If you can get past that, you can talk about fixing what’s wrong.”

Genesis 44-45 – Is Failure an Option?

God repeatedly conducts tests of character, just as He did in the days of Jacob and his family. He used Joseph in a final test of the attitude of Jacob’s ten sons. When they left Egypt for Canaan with full sacks of corn, Joseph ordered his personal cup placed into Benjamin’s sack, and their money was refunded. Then he had them arrested!

Eventually, Joseph’s brothers passed the tests and grew through them. They were now of one mind. They were sorry for their sin. Before, they hadn’t cared for Joseph’s cries or Jacob’s grief. Now, they were changed. They would remain a part of the fulfillment of God’s promises. How has God tested you? Have you passed or failed His character tests? The consequences are enormous! If you trust Him, you’ll enjoy His blessings. If not, there is still time to change your attitude (repent) and submit to Him. 

The Kingdom Coach and Athlete trust that God will override sinners’ plots and accomplish His will for them as He did for Jacob, Joseph, and his brothers. They know they have sinned against God, but He still loves them and made the ultimate sacrifice to draw them back to Himself.

Bible Memory Verse – “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to do what has happened on this day, to keep many people alive.” Genesis 50:20 (LSB)

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