Fishing With Jesus

What’s the best fishing lure in history? No doubt there has been lots of debate on this! Jigs are some of the oldest and most universal lures, but much depends on whether you’re fishing for walleyes using live bait that might require the reliable Lindy Rig. If you’re fishing for catfish, you better have a worm or bait that stinks! Probably my favorite bait was the Beetle Spin growing up fishing on Nebraska sandpit lakes. Today, there’s no end to the worldwide tackle companies that feature every shape or model of bait.
Luke 5 – How to Fish
Every good fisherman knows how to catch fish and which lure to pick. In Luke 5, Jesus instructs his men how to fish, but it’s really an object lesson. Most coaches use object lessons to teach athletes specific skills or techniques. Jesus did much the same thing for Simon and his partners. While they worked hard to catch the fish, their good intentions were not enough. Only the Lord can use our problems to perfect us.
Once Jesus finished speaking to the crowd in (5:1), he told Simon to go fishing again when they had already had no success. For Simon, this must have seemed crazy since he knew the fish moved to deeper water to stay cool during the day. He would typically fish at night when netting the fish closer to the surface was easier.
The Kingdom Coach & Athletes have their hope tied to confidence in the power of God. They believe only God makes an otherwise futile life productive.
Journaling helps you understand and respond to the Bible. As you journal, use the acronym HEAR to Highlight, Explain, Apply, and Respond to what you have read in the reading plan.
Bible Memory Verse – A student is not above his teacher; but everyone, after he has been fully trained, will be like his teacher. Luke 6:40 LSB
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A 5-day per week or 410-day Bible reading plan, journal, and scripture memory plan through the Old and New Testament.