Forgetfulness of God

Doc & Darryl is an ESPN documentary about the 1980s New York Mets stars Doc Gooden and Darryl Strawberry. It shows each player’s behind-the-scenes struggles with money and temptation that derailed their brief careers. They were two incredible talents who landed on the team as rookies within a year of each other. Still, neither their team nor their careers reached full potential thanks to the drugs, booze, and other excesses available to sports superstars.
Guard Your Heart – 2 Samuel 11-12
Ease and inactivity lead to dangerous temptations for professional athletes. Likewise, there is a similar problem for believers who become idle and fail to guard their hearts. Fifty-year-old David failed in these two areas, which caused his downfall. Then he saw Bathsheba, and he forgot about God. His sex drive was already out of control. He had married many wives against God’s will, so it was no surprise that he was overcome by lust for Bathsheba. Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “Satan does not fill us with hatred of God but with forgetfulness of God.” One by one, the King of Israel broke most of the Ten Commandments—even causing his loyal troops to lose their lives because he tried to cover his sin.
From a lifetime of living to please God, David displeased Him overnight (11:27). He may have thought no one knew, but he was wrong! His messengers knew, and they warned him. Joab knew. Most importantly, God knew! David wouldn’t get away with sin. God’s people never get away with sin!
The Kingdom Coach and Athlete guard their hearts against temptations and don’t allow themselves to become idle.
Journal Entry
Journaling helps you understand and respond to the Bible. As you journal, use the acronym HEAR to highlight, explain, apply, and respond to what you have read in the reading plan.
H – Highlight
E – Explain
A – Apply
R – Respond
Bible Memory Verse
This blog includes a Scripture memory verse. There are many methods for memorizing the Bible, but I have found that using a pack of index or blank business cards works best for me. If you write the verse on a card, you can pull it out during the day and meditate or recite it.
2 Samuel 22:33 – God is my strength and power: and he maketh my way perfect.
Click HERE for the Kingdom Sports Minute on The Lord Will Provide Strength
A 5-day per week or 410-day Bible reading plan, journal, and scripture memory plan through the Old and New Testament.