God’s Protection

Tad Glibert is the assistant director of operations for the Northwestern University men’s basketball program. While on a mission trip to the African country of Malawi, he and his wife were robbed by 15-20 masked men. “In that moment, the thought of dying became real,” Tad wrote. “My wife was next to me, and my mother-in-law and sister-in-law were in the tent next to us. Karly and I turned to each other and said, ‘I love you.’ I remember I closed my eyes and prayed over and over for God to protect us.”

“Typically, a light on the house shines down toward where our tents are set up. However, a team member turned it off that night, and she doesn’t know why she did it. Although it was a traumatic experience, it could have been far worse. As we prayed to be hidden, we believe God blinded the men to our five occupied tents. If the attack had happened one night prior, we would have probably canceled our team’s flights to Malawi, and we would have all gone home. If the attack had happened one night later, there would have been people in the tent slashed open. God’s timing was perfect. And He protected us that night.” 

Exodus 10-11 – Power and Glory 

Exodus 10-11 describes the final plagues. God told Moses that the final plague would be the last, and after that, the people would be free. The goal of the plagues was for everyone to recognize God’s power and glory. Exodus 11 reveals God’s plan to protect the firstborn sons of the Israelites. 

The Kingdom Coach and Athlete believe the Lord still uses hardship, not to watch us struggle arbitrarily, but to further His purposes in their lives. They know He uses difficulties to lead people to repentance and salvation and make us more like His Son, Jesus Christ.

Bible Memory Verse – “But, indeed, for this reason I have caused you to stand, in order to show you My power and in order to recount My name through all the earth.” Exodus 9:16 (LSB)

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