Grumble! Grumble!

Myrtis Dightman broke the “color barrier” in his profession. With his April 1967 bull-ride in Edmonton, Alberta, he became the first black cowboy to be ranked number one globally. It was 20 years to the month after Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in baseball. Writers called Myrtis the “Jackie Robinson of Rodeo!” He never grumbled about the racism he endured, and there was plenty. “A lot of folks thought rodeo was a white man’s game, he later said, “But those bulls don’t care if you’re white or black. Dightman had many reasons to grumble with all the travel and prejudice he faced on the road, but he refused.

Exodus 16-17 – Oh, How Quickly We Forget

Grumbling Israel could have learned a lesson from Myrtis Dightman. After a three-day march, the nation turned its eyes off God and onto circumstances, in this case, the bitter water of Marah. The self-centered travelers suffered from short-term memory loss! They quickly forgot God’s deliverance and promise to take them to the Promised Land. The people grumbled against God and Moses.

Having failed one test, Israel got another chance to trust God. A mere 30 days after leaving Egypt, the people became low on food. Forgetful of the slavery and beatings, they longed for Egypt’s posts of meat! Now, they grumbled against Moses and Aaron. They grumbled one more time on the march from the Red Sea to Mt. Sinai (17:4). God’s own people had the gall to worship idols and then complain against Him when they had problems! Don’t behave like them!

The Kingdom Coach and Athlete know God provides the Bread of Life. His name is Jesus (John 6:23-51). They go to His Word each day to feed their souls on His Word rather than grumbling about the world’s value system.

Bible Memory Verse – “So now then, if you will indeed listen to My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be My treasured possession among all the peoples, for all the earth is Mine.” Exodus 19:5 (LSB)

Click HERE for the Kingdom Sports Minute on Don’t Worship Idols.