He Knows His Sheep

It was reported to me that a particular football coach rarely used his players’ names, even off the field. Instead, he would refer to them by their number. Something like, “Hey, #10, how are you today?” It’s not uncommon for coaches to stick with last names, but I had never heard of a coach who didn’t use either their first or last name. You might guess how his approach went over with his players—not good! The way he dealt with the players rubbed most of them the wrong way.

A few years later, it didn’t surprise me after the coach was fired that his players expressed his lack of care for them. He had no relationship with any of the players, and eventually, it destroyed the team. Another former player thought he only cared about the job. He said, “The way he handled his guys, the way he talked to men, the way he approached, and the lack of respect that he had for men, people had an issue with him.”

John 10 – Sacrificial Love

In John 10, the Pharisees showed a similar lack of concern for the beggar, whom they expelled from the synagogue. By contrast, Jesus found him and cared for him like a good shepherd.

In the gospel of John, the word know means more than intellectual awareness. It has the idea of an intimate relationship with God and His people. A shepherd during Jesus’ time would have known his sheep personally and would have known how to best care for them.

The Lord has compassion for each of us. He is the Good Shepherd who knows each of His sheep by name and their natures and needs (Psalm 23). The Bible says Jesus laid down His life for the sheep, demonstrating sacrificial love (10:11).

The Kingdom Coach and Athlete follow the Good Shepherd, who knows them intimately. They follow His voice (the Word) as they experience his love and care for them. They rest in the confidence of His power to protect them from evil.

Journaling helps you understand and respond to the Bible. As you journal, use the acronym HEAR to Highlight, Explain, Apply, and Respond to what you have read in the reading plan.

Bible Memory Verse – “He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it to life eternal.” John 12:25 LSB

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