Joesph’s Long Trip
Road trips require NBA teams to make adjustments to their routines. Time zones change, meal schedules can be disrupted, and sleeping becomes erratic. Most teams would much rather play at home before a friendly crowd. The longer the road trip, the more days it takes for players to make the adjustments necessary to play well. During the pandemic of 2020, the road trip meant long days for NBA players who were locked down. There were only two places to go: the gym or the hotel room.
Genesis 37 – The Course of a Life
Joseph’s brothers sent him on a long road trip against his will as the story shifts in Genesis 37 to God’s chosen people. He becomes the main character throughout the rest of Genesis. This one trip determined the course of his life. Joseph was 17 years old, possibly somewhat spoiled, arrogant, and hated by his brothers. They grew extremely jealous of his father’s favoritism, so they sold him into slavery. The long road trip tested Joseph to the limit, but in the end, he learned several valuable lessons, and so can we.
Jacob’s partiality put Joseph in a tough spot. Joseph’s telling everything he had heard from God to people with no “spiritual ears” increased their hatred of him. Jacob’s deception of his father was repeated by his children back to him. The brothers’ hatred of a person of character in their family has been repeated many times in history. Finally, the providence of a sovereign God who causes or allows all things to happen both amazes and confounds us. As Matthew Henry said, “God’s providences often seem to contradict His purposes, even when they are serving them.”
The Kingdom Coach and Athlete believe God’s hand is unmistakable in every situation, ruling and overruling decisions people make. They trust in a sovereign God.
Bible Memory Verse – “And Yahweh was with Joseph, so he became a successful man. And he was in the house of his master, the Egyptian. Now his master saw that Yahweh was with him and how Yahweh caused all that he did to succeed in his hand.” Genesis 39:2-3 (LSB)
A 5-day per week or 410-day Bible reading plan, journal, and scripture memory plan through the Old and New Testament.