Lions Football Club
an opportunity for athletes Age 14-18 (homeschool, private, and public school)
Must be within 14 years old by Sept. 1st and 18 years old at the end of the season (athletes may not participate if they are under 14 by Sept. 1st of their first fall season or will turn 19 during the season). Athletes will only be allowed to participate a maximum of 4 seasons at varsity level.
• Saturday, May 31 – commitment and registration deadline
‣ Initial fee $100 due to fit equipment (another $100 due June 30th and a total of $250 due prior to first practice July 28)
‣ Can fundraise some or all of $250 fee (fundraising letter & calendar provided)
‣ Help with team fundraising will be required of all players
• May/June – weights and/or workouts (must be registered with deadline fundraising and/or personal $ turned in, or a plan established with Coach to participate)
• June/July – summer workouts with pads and helmets
• July 7-10 – FCA Complete Athlete Leadership Camp (encouraged, not required…additional cost)
• July 28 – first week of official practices (additional $ due for a total of $250/player to start practices)
(Lions football is a HS age Club Football partnership between Kingdom Sports & Christian Life Academy, based in Central IL)
Foundation is Jesus Christ and the Word of God
Lions Football
is a training ground, for players and all involved, in doing life God’s way. Focused on how
to know Christ and to max out God-given ability for Him in the midst of football and life. This goes far beyond prayer to God before and after competition and into what it means “to be transformed into the likeness of His son.” (Romans 8:29) Redefining how we use the words Goal, Winning, Audience, and Motivation.
In Romans 12:1 Paul says “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship.” Knowing the sacrifice made for us on the cross we are to offer all of ourselves to God as a sacrifice. This means that competing God’s way is a “holy and pleasing” offering to God and an “act of worship.”
Want to financially be a part of what all God is doing through this program? You would be helping with the cost for athletes to participate in what we believe will be a 20+ year return on their lives. Helping them in the process of who they are becoming and an investment in who they will be 20+ years from now.
Checks can be made and sent to Christian Life Academy, 222 Tremont St., Hopedale, IL 61747 with “Lions Football” in the memo.

Cole Espenschied
Head Coach cole@kingdomsports.online 309-222-0374 |
Josh Horning
Athletic Director jhorning@clacademy.org 309-267-8781 |
Amy Hohulin
Lions Football Committee hohulintwins@frontier.com 309-922-0142 |
other coaches include:
Assistant Coach/Strength & Conditioning, James Holliday
Assistant Coach/Defensive Coordinator, Thor Kurtz
Assistant Coach/Christian Leadership Development, Dar Mathison
Assistant Coach/Offensive & Defensive Line, Peyton Fritzler
A 5-day per week or 410-day Bible reading plan, journal, and scripture memory plan through the Old and New Testament.