Relying on God’s Strength
Hank Aaron, a baseball Hall of Famer and the former home run king passed away at age 86. His legacy includes many record-setting achievements on the field. He was also known for his humility, kindness, perseverance, and grace. He passed Babe Ruth’s all-time home run record of 714 in 1974 as he battled racial prejudice from many fans. As he closed in on Ruth’s record, he received so much hate mail the Braves had to hire a secretary to sort through it. Though he faced death threats and much racial prejudice, he received praise for handling the bigotry and racist remarks tossed at him.
Throughout his career, Aaron was also a man of faith. “I need to depend on Someone who is bigger, stronger, and wiser than I am. I don’t do it on my own. God is my strength. He gave me a good body, some talent, and the freedom to develop it. He helps me when things go wrong. He forgives me when I fall on my face. He lights the way.”
Genesis 31-33 – Pray in Harmony With God’s Word
Hank Aaron was no stranger to a crisis, nor was Jacob in Genesis 32. He was nearing a crisis that he couldn’t handle on his own. Though he had been a poor example of the man of God, he was still God’s man. God grew him by showing his powerlessness when he relied upon himself. The only way Jacob could produce lasting “fruit” was to rely totally upon God. When he was backed into a corner by 400 men, he finally prayed the most fervent prayer of his life. Jacob got serious with God, confessed his unworthiness, prayed in harmony with God’s Word, and called upon God to fulfill His promise.
The Kingdom Coach and Athlete are serious about their relationship with the Lord and acknowledge their unworthiness. They pray in harmony with God’s Word.
Bible Memory Verse – “Then Jacob made a vow, saying, ‘If God will be with me and will keep me on this journey on which I am going, and will give me food to eat and garments to wear, and I return to my father’s house in peace, then Yahweh will be my God.’” Genesis 28:20-21 (LSB)
A 5-day per week or 410-day Bible reading plan, journal, and scripture memory plan through the Old and New Testament.