Remaining Steadfast

The greatest quarterback controversy involved Steve Young, who remained on the bench for four years while backing up Joe Montana. Eventually, he earned the starting job for the San Francisco 49ers and played 13 seasons with them. He was the NFL MVP twice and won a Super Bowl before entering the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

Young once said he would have rather not been traded by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers to the 49ers had he known it would lead to him being a backup for four years. However, he was a loyal teammate who demonstrated a steadfast attitude while remaining patient for his opportunity to lead the team.

2 Thessalonians 3 – Let the Lord Direct

Steadfastness is defined as someone who is fixed in direction, loyal, steadily directed, or firm in purpose. Paul moves from explaining the prophetic events to the final section in his letter to the Thessalonians with advice to remain steadfast in several areas. In the first part of chapter 3, he urges the new believers to endure the current persecution. Paul advises them to let the Lord direct them and help them be steadfast (3:5). He also commands them to follow his example of working while waiting (3:7, 9).

The Kingdom Coach and Athlete persevere through hard times even when others do wrong. They show themselves to be steadfast and responsible regardless of the circumstances. They set an example of steadfastness for their team to follow.

Bible Memory Verse – So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught, whether by word of mouth or by letter from us. 2 Thessalonians 2:15 (LSB)

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