Season Predictions

How accurate do you think the Preseason Coaches Polls are each year? There’s a never-ending argument—do the polls, especially the early versions, really identify the top 20% of the FBS teams? Only 54% of teams in the preseason Top 10 were still ranked in the Top 10 in the final polls from 2012-16). In a sport driven by the new transfer portal rules beginning in 2019, it’s almost impossible to predict which 25 schools will be the best before they have even played a game.

Genesis 48-49 – Their Future Became Our History

As Jacob neared death, he called his 12 sons together and gave inspired predictions about their futures. Each prophecy contained both a blessing and a warning. All of them were accurate, and many have now become history. God has plans for Israel. A fundamental principle in the patriarchs’ lives and natures affects their descendants. Jacob’s prophesies looked forward to the settlement of the Promised Land and beyond. He had the future planned beyond the coming of bondage in the land of Egypt, and He has the future of every Christian planned as well!

When Jacob took Ephraim and Manasseh as his sons (Genesis 48:5), he guaranteed that Joseph and his descendants would be part of God’s community in the coming generations. Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection accomplished a similar purpose. Anyone who believes in Jesus becomes an adopted child of God and inherits His promises (Romans 8:12-17).

The Kingdom Coach and Athlete believe they are part of God’s covenant community because of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. By placing their faith in Jesus, God has adopted them, and they become heirs to all His promises.

Bible Memory Verse – “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to do what has happened on this day, to keep many people alive.” Genesis 50:20 (LSB)

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