The Agreement
Perhaps the most challenging aspect of a coach’s job is managing stubborn athletes who refuse to follow team rules. Can you imagine coaching the flamboyant Dennis Rodman, the former NBA star of the Chicago Bulls? Once, Jackson received a call mid-game from Rodman while he was waiting for him to arrive. Jackson asked him, “Dennis, what am I supposed to tell the press?” He hung up on him, and that night, he went to Detroit and wrestled with Hulk Hogan.
Exodus 32-33 – The People Pleaser Pitfall
As Israel waited for Moses (and Jacob) to return from speaking with God, her “stiff-necked,” rebellious nature in Exodus 32:9-10 manifested itself again. Despite Jehovah’s miraculous deliverance from slavery, His provision of food and water in the desert, and His defense from the Amalekites, substantial numbers of Israelites demanded a visible God. Egypt’s gods rode on a bull calf, and this influence of the world upon Israel was great.
To avoid conflict, Aaron tried to please the people under him instead of the God above Him! He engineered a golden calf and built an altar to sacrifice burnt offerings. The people forgot the Living God and worshipped a lifeless idol. (Psalm 106:19-23). Aaron was guilty of treason against the nation and idolatry against God. We always reap what we sow, even if sin is forgiven. Waiting for God is never easy, but handling delays is a measure of maturity. Do we drift into sin while waiting upon God? Do we resign ourselves to “fate”? Or does our commitment become greater as we wait for Him to lead?
The Kingdom Coach and Athlete patiently wait upon God rather than drifting toward disobedience. They know the consequences of sin when they reap what they sow.
Bible Memory Verse – “When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the LORD.” Exodus 34:29 (LSB)
A 5-day per week or 410-day Bible reading plan, journal, and scripture memory plan through the Old and New Testament.