The Power of God’s Love

Remember the Titans is regarded as one of the best football films of all time. The biographical sports movie is based on the true story of African American coach Herman Boone. He integrated his high school football team in 1971. Fed up with his players’ inability to see past their differences and come together as a team, Coach Boone took his players on an early morning run that led to the Battle of Gettysburg, where Boone reminded them all to “take a lesson from the dead.”

“This is where they fought the battle of Gettysburg. Fifty thousand men died right here on this field, fighting the same fight that we are still fighting among ourselves today. This green field right here, painted red, bubblin’ with the blood of young boys. Smoke and hot lead pouring right through their bodies. Listen to their souls, men. I killed my brother with malice in my heart. Hatred destroyed my family. You listen, and you take a lesson from the dead. If we don’t come together right now on this hallowed ground, we, too will be destroyed, just like they were. I don’t care if you like each other or not, but you will respect each other. And maybe … I don’t know, maybe we’ll learn to play this game like men.” – Coach Herman Boone, Denzel Washington

John 15 – Agape Love

Coach Boone’s task of getting his players to care and love one another was nearly impossible. Jesus commanded believers to love one another in John 15. How can someone love those they hardly know and have no feelings toward? From the world’s perspective, this seems impossible. The Greek word used for love in this chapter is not fickle or heartfelt but rather the word that involves faithfulness, commitment, and an act of the will. It begins with a decision and doesn’t wait for inspiration. It is differentiated from the other kinds of love by its moral nature and strong character. It’s not a sappy or a sentimental feeling. God loves because that is His nature and the expression of His being. Agape love is always shown by what it does. God’s love is displayed at the cross.

The Kingdom Coach and Athlete love their teammates and coaches because God loved them first.

Journaling helps you understand and respond to the Bible. As you journal, use the acronym HEAR to Highlight, Explain, Apply, and Respond to what you have read in the reading plan.

Bible Memory Verse – “These things I have spoken to you so that you may be kept from stumbling. They will put you out of the synagogue, but an hour is coming for everyone who kills you to think that he is offering service to God. These things they will do because they did not know the Father or Me.” John 16:1-3 LSB

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