The Promised Land

Any college basketball fan is familiar with the NCAA March Madness being referred to on-air as the Road to the Final Four. This is the branding for the men’s NCAA Division I basketball games produced by CBS Sports. Most years, more than 70,000 fans attend each of the Final Four games, with estimates of 23 million more watching the games on TV. Teams that make it to the promised land of the March Madness tournament enjoy a split of an estimated $1 billion in 2019.

Numbers 34-35 – Another Promise Kept

In Numbers 34-35, the time for God’s people to enter a different type of promised land has come. He had made this promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God details how the land was divided into the twelve tribes of Israel. He also splits up the Levites in all the territories to remind the people of their need for holiness and obedience. He also put an escape for a person who had unintentionally murdered another person. These cities of refuge also served as a reminder of God’s faithfulness to His people.

We resist fear by focusing our minds on God’s faithfulness and character, not on the seemingly impossible problems that we might face. We also resist fear by remembering how God has been faithful to us in the past and by choosing to trust Him to remain faithful in the future. We resist fear simply by choosing to trust God.

 The Kingdom Coach and Athlete recognize their need to focus on God’s faithfulness and character rather than their challenges. They resist fear by choosing to trust God.

Bible Memory Verse – “And you shall not defile the land in which you live, in the midst of which I dwell; for I Yahweh am dwelling in the midst of the sons of Israel.” Numbers 35:34 (LSB)

Click HERE for the Kingdom Sports Minute on Susceptibility to Sin.