The Turnaround

After the University of Central Florida’s football team went 0-12 in 2015 under George O’Leary, Scott Frost reinvigorated the team with his hurry-up offense, culminating in six victories and a bowl trip. Frost had engineered the fourth-largest turnaround by a program that went winless in the prior season. His team topped the following year when UCF went 12-0 and won their bowl game.

Exodus 40 – God Requires Obedience

The Israelites had come a long way in Exodus 40 from their time as slaves in Egypt. Their turnaround was remarkable despite their repeated sin and disobedience along the way. God requires obedience. “As the Lord Commanded” (Moses) is written 18 times in Exodus 39-40. Repetition stressed the importance of following God’s instructions to the letter! Moses and the Levites assembled the Tabernacle exactly as God commanded.

The Lord commanded Israel to create a portable tabernacle for worship during their travels in the wilderness. He gave Moses strict instructions on designing and making it and on what it would look like when finished. He also gave specific individuals gifts to perform the artistry. The Lord had already given the people of Israel great riches from the Egyptians that could be used for the raw materials. This same principle applies to the Lord’s people today. He gives us natural talents that can be used for His glory.

The Kingdom Coach and Athlete recognize that God has delivered them from the slavery of sin and that they now walk in His presence every day. They understand that their talents are to be used for His glory.

Bible Memory Verse – “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt so that you would no longer be slaves to the Egyptians; I broke the bars of your yoke and enabled you to walk with heads held high.” Leviticus 26:13 (LSB)

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