The Uncommon Man

“I’ve always felt that my Christian principles and what I believed about life were more important than anything, so whatever job I did, that was going to be at the forefront,” Dungy said in an interview at the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

Dungy’s series of books based on the uncommon man theme are perfect examples of what he believes about faith and football. In his book, The One Year Uncommon Life Daily Challenge, he says this about another uncommon leader.

“I’m totally not into eating locusts, even dipped in honey, but there was certainly something appealing about John the Baptist. I would have loved to have had him on my teams! Here was a guy who had his own followers, yet he was always clear about his mission—pointing people, including his own followers, to someone else, Jesus Christ. To John, getting the credit was not what motivated him. Getting the result that God intended was his sole mission. That’s the type of coach and player we sought to bring on board, and I believe we were pretty successful in doing that through the years. It’s the mark of a good team to have people who don’t care who gets the credit, but only that together they fulfill their mission.”

John 1 – The Uncommon Message

John’s Gospel emphasizes that Jesus is God, incarnate, the Son of God who came to earth. In Chapter 1, John the Baptist’s witness gave evidence to Jesus’ life, ministry, death, and resurrection revealed by God’s truth. While both John and Tony Dungy are uncommon men, they are only human. What really sets these two men apart is their uncommon message and desire to point toward Jesus rather than themselves.

The Kingdom Coach and Athlete stand apart from the secular culture surrounding them with God’s extraordinary message—the Gospel. They speak the truth boldly despite the risk of rejection or persecution from those who oppose the truth.

Journaling helps you understand and respond to the Bible. As you journal, use the acronym HEAR to Highlight, Explain, Apply, and Respond to what you have read in the reading plan.

Bible Memory Verse – “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14 LSB

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