Tragic Endings

The greatest “could have been” athlete in sports history was Len Bias. He was a star college basketball player at Maryland University, picked second in the NBA 1986 Draft by the Boston Celtics. By all accounts, he was a very joyful player who would have become Michael Jordan’s rival. He was ready to sign a multi-million-dollar shoe contract and a hopeful NBA future when his life ended tragically. Less than 48 hours after the Draft, he was found dead of a cocaine overdose. The Celtics retired his never-used #30 jersey as fans mourned his death and what could have been.

When Failure is Final – 1 Samuel 28;31

The final chapters of Saul’s story are just as tragic as Bias’s and show the consequences of not trusting God. Saul failed to listen to God for years, which finally led to Him no longer speaking to Saul. Saul went so far as going to a witch to talk to Samuel’s spirit for advice on his battle. This was against God’s laws, but God permitted him through His power to speak to Saul, which led to words that summed up his life, “You did not obey the Lord.” Saul not only lost the battle but later took his own life. It was a terrible ending for such a promising beginning.

The Kingdom Coach and Athlete trust in God to deliver them from adversity.  They lean on God’s power to be their witness in the sports world.

Journal Entry

Journaling helps you understand and respond to the Bible. As you journal, use the acronym HEAR to highlight, explain, apply, and respond to what you have read in the reading plan.

H – Highlight

E – Explain

A – Apply

R – Respond

Bible Memory Verse

This blog includes a Scripture memory verse. There are many methods for memorizing the Bible, but I have found that using a pack of index or blank business cards works best for me. If you write the verse on a card, you can pull it out during the day and meditate or recite it.

2 Samuel 7:22 – For this reason You are great, O Lord Yahweh; for there is none like You, and there is no God besides You, according to all that we have heard with our ears.

Click HERE for the Kingdom Sports Minute on Susceptibility to Sin