Who Do You Trust?

One of the most fearful realities for coaches is that their job depends on the athletes’ performance. Most coaches’ careers and livelihoods rest in the hands and feet of 14-22-year-olds. If you do not win early and often, you are out, and your replacement is in. Ultimately, both the athlete and coach are measured by their number of wins and losses. Many athletes and coaches struggle with insecurity because of their win-loss record, as it becomes their identity.  

Exodus 13-14 – Walk by Faith

From a human perspective, the Israelites were in deep trouble and had become fearful. God had again hardened Pharaoh’s heart, and Pharaoh gathered an army to track down the Israelites. Moses encouraged the people to trust God before He parted the Red Sea. By drowning Pharaoh’s army after the Israelites had already reached the other side, God acted in judgment against Pharaoh. The Israelites feared God rather than man and believed in Him.

What lesson do you think God wanted His people to learn in Exodus? I believe He wanted to help us understand that their human perspective should be avoided. He calls us to walk by faith, not by sight—always to be looking to God for assistance rather than to man or ourselves. God showed Israel that He would fight on their behalf and had proven beyond doubt that He would not abandon them. How quickly the people forgot those lessons when the enemy confronted them.

The Kingdom Coach and Athlete remind themselves that they are no different than the Israelites who crossed the Red Sea. They also need to remember what the Lord has done in their lives. They know He will work on their behalf in the future, just as He has done in the past.

Bible Memory Verse – “So now then, if you will indeed listen to My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be My treasured possession among all the peoples, for all the earth is Mine.” Exodus 19:5 (LSB)

Click HERE for the Kingdom Sports Minute on The Lord Will Provide Strength.