Words of Wisdom

During his coaching career at UCLA, John Wooden shared words of wisdom throughout his life and writings. While his success on the court led the basketball team to an 88-game winning streak and 10 NCAA championship titles, he might be best known for his insights and methods of leadership. Nearly every coach has a copy of his “Pyramid of Success.” It includes wisdom like, “Be enthusiastic about your work. Without enthusiasm, you cannot work up to your fullest ability and potential; you’re just going through the motions. And just going through the motions won’t bring you to the level of competitive greatness we seek, whether in basketball, business, or life.”
The Hearing Heart – 1 Kings 3 & 6
Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived. He knew that his responsibility as the king would require great wisdom, so that’s what he asked God for when He appeared to Solomon in a dream. Solomon asked the Lord for a hearing heart, a heart of wisdom to govern his nation well. The story in 1 Kings 3 shows how God was faithful to give him wisdom and allow him to build the temple rather than David. The expression “a discerning heart” is literally “a hearing heart.” In the Hebrew language, the same word conveys the idea of “hearing” and “obeying.”
Solomon learned the key to honoring the Lord was not in outward expressions of devotion but in learning and obeying His commands, which led to the fulfillment of God’s promise to Solomon of wisdom, wealth, and fame.
The Kingdom Coach and Athlete value wisdom more than intellect and godliness more than education. They know the way of wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord, which brings a desire to know what the Bible means when it teaches about wisdom.
Journal Entry
Journaling helps you understand and respond to the Bible. As you journal, use the acronym HEAR to highlight, explain, apply, and respond to what you have read in the reading plan.
Bible Memory Verse
2 Samuel 22:33 – God is my strength and power: and he maketh my way perfect.
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A 5-day per week or 410-day Bible reading plan, journal, and scripture memory plan through the Old and New Testament.